June 09, 2019

Our Spring 2019 Challenge Winner, Mark!

Talk about a COME BACK STORY! @markfevers crushed the Spring #CSEchallenge and lost over 30 lbs without stepping foot in the gym! Read Mark’s story below:

Congrats Mark!

Hear from him in his own words:

“I just want to start off with WOW! Thank you for having this challenge. I was in a pretty serious car accident on February 27 of this year and didn’t think I would be able to even compete in the challenge. I was obviously overweight and very discouraged. I started Clean Simple Eats on February 19 weighing 255 lbs. I weighed 246 at the beginning of this challenge.

I was so excited this challenge was offered, but still nervous of how I was going to do because of the car accident. Well fast forward, because of the car accident I was limited in the amount of exercise that wouldn’t hurt my back. So between physical therapy and walking I was able to do what I could. My amazing wife made my CSE meals every day and had them ready for me when I left for work with everything labeled. I can count on ONE hand how many times I ate a meal that wasn’t from the CSE meal plan. Knowing I wasn’t going to be able to work out, I knew I had to follow the diet exactly to even have a chance.

I saw the fat literally shred away and my weight drop! I honestly want to thank you JJ and Erika for creating a meal plan that has incredible results. I can’t wait to add in gym time with this amazing meal plan to see where eventually I can end up! Currently I am 205 lbs! I just want to say at the end, even if I don’t win the trip to Hawaii, I WON! Thank you CSE!”

Get more details on our next challenge.


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Each season we host a free 7-week, community-based health and fitness challenge. We work hard, get our sweat on, and work together to motivate each other to reach our goals.

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