Protein Powder Variety Pack
Why choose one flave when you can have TEN?
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Everyone is always asking us how to stay on track in-between challenges, and we think it’s important to remember CSE is a lifestyle, not just a 7-week quick fix (where my “Beyond the Challenge” peeps at?!). You don’t need to wait for the next challenge to start or to keep going; keep prioritizing your health and maintaining those healthy habits right now! The time in-between challenges is just as important. We’ve said this before (and we’ll probably say it again and again): consistency over time yield results. It’s not about making healthy choices just for a challenge; we want to instill healthy habits that last a lifetime.
So here are the top three things you can do to set yourself up for success in-between challenges:
Weight loss, muscle growth, healthy living, CHANGE… whatever you’re looking for requires healthy, consistent habits. Keep showing up for yourself. Continue to wake up and exercise, continue to drink your water, continue to get your sleep, continue to eat your protein and veggies, continue to be mindful, continue to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” - John Maxwell
The CSE+ App is a one-stop shop! You can menu plan, count macros, search recipes, and create (pre-populated) custom grocery lists! Our CSE+ App is a great place to start if you’re looking to shake things up in the kitchen because you can easily search by recipe or ingredient, plus we drop new recipes every month. Plus, our Workout Wednesdays are available within the app, so you can workout with us anytime!
Have a plan and prepare for success each week. Now’s the time to mix ‘n’ match, repeat your favorites or try out new ones in the CSE+ app that are not found in the meal plans (I see you app exclusive and limited edition recipes). Our archive is almost up to 800 recipes! It’s time to branch out and have a little fun with your meal planning and food prep!
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