We get so many questions about when to eat and what time is best to workout.
Do I eat before my workout?
If I eat at night will that make me gain weight?
Are morning workouts more effective?
Everybody’s day is different, but here’s a look into our day.
There’s no real science to support an ideal time of day to workout. Having said that, the best time, in our minds, to workout is when you can keep up the routine and stay super consistent! Mornings have always been our preferred time of day to pick up weights or get in a more intense workout. It’s a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and kick off a new day. Morning workouts really set the tone for our entire day and encourage healthy choices outside of the gym.
Ideal nutrient timing after a workout for us is 30-45 minutes. We recommend fast-absorbing, whey isolate protein like our CSE Protein Powder, plus some healthy carbs to help you recover. Any of our Post-Workout shakes found in the CSE+ app or in our CSE meal plans would be the perfect fit! Some of our fave go-to’s are the Orange Julius (or our trending “Protein Orange Julius”) and the Peach Raspberry Cooler! These shakes are so so good and are packed with quality protein, collagen and carbs to get your muscles on the recovery bus asap!
When it comes to ideal timing for meals and snacks, again, it depends on your lifestyle and work schedule. You can eat any time of the day as long as you are sticking to your calories/macros in a 24-hour window. It doesn’t matter if you eat at 6am or 10pm; as long as it’s in that 24-hour window, you will get the same results. We do recommend giving your digestive system a little break from eating every day, 10-14 hours of intermittent fasting each night is a great window to stick to and will yield some amazing health benefits as well. It doesn’t matter the hours you choose to fast, but giving your body a little break from eating has so many benefits!
There is no science to back up whether eating before a workout or doing a fasted workout is more effective. That all depends on you…whatever your preference is, that’s great! If you are working out later in the day, we suggest that you don’t eat a big meal right before you head to the gym. Give your body an hour or two to digest before getting in that sweat sesh! If you are trying to build muscle, we recommend fueling with a good amount of protein (20-30 grams) after your weight lifting session. Our power bites make a great pre-workout treat if you just need some energy for your workout. Play around with these recommendations and see what works and feels best to you.
Erika’s Daily Routine:
5:45am: Wake up
6:00am: CSE Super Greens Mix + CSE power bite
6:30am: Hit the gym with pre-workout CSE Energy Mix
8:00am: post-workout CSE Hydrate Mix
9:00am: CSE breakfast shake or oatmeal
12:00pm: CSE lunch with CSE Collagen Mix
2:30pm: CSE snack
5:00pm: CSE dinner
7:30pm: CSE snack (usually a protein shake)
JJ’s Daily Routine:
5:45am: Wake up
6:00am: Pre-workout CSE Energy Mix
6:30am: Hit the gym with CSE Hydrate Mix
8:00am: CSE post-workout shake
9:30am: CSE breakfast (2 servings)
12:00pm: CSE lunch (2 servings)
2:30pm: 3 CSE Power Bites
5:00-6:00pm: CSE dinner (2 servings)
7:30pm: CSE snack (usually a protein shake)