Our Spring 2022 Beyond the Challenge Winner, Annie!
When I started using Clean Simple Eats two years ago, the goal was to be smaller, to weigh less and to take up less space. This challenge, I flipped a switch and I decided to be done taking up less space. I decided to take up the space to be stronger, to be healthier in my decision-making, to set a better example about taking care of myself to my kids, to my husband, but mostly–to myself.
Clean Simple Eats has given me the confidence to cook GOOD food that fueled my body, to lift heavier, to play with my kids, and to show up for myself. I have become more confident in my cooking, more confident that I can move the way I want because I’m fueling my body with some incredible food. I have my life back, my confidence is growing, and I have a new love for a body that has gotten me through so much!
Cheers to taking up MORE space in this world–stronger, smarter and healthier!
Go To Collagen + Beauty Blend: Blackberry Lemonade (30 Serving)
Blackberry Lemonade
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.