Challenge Winner: Hallie
"I’ve gained healthy habits that I know will keep carrying me toward my goals."
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This is my second CSE challenge and the amount I’ve learned about fitness and nutrition is mind blowing. At the beginning of January, I needed to change my mindset surrounding fitness and nutrition. I (like everyone else) was living through a pandemic, I had lost a job I had for 8 years and changed careers, I had gone through an early miscarriage, and I just needed to get out of my funk.
In my first challenge, I learned about the importance of consistency, and realized that every workout and every meal (even the ones that really don’t feel like it) counts. There were so many workouts where I didn’t want to work hard because I felt like my efforts hadn’t made a difference. It wasn’t until I took my after photos that I really realized how much progress I had made.
During this second challenge, I was able to shift my mindset during stressful times when I would normally lean on emotionally eating. I’m a first year teacher and was finishing the Spring challenge during my last few weeks of school. Normally, during a time like this, I would let my fitness and nutrition completely go and just blame it on the situation I was in.
By focusing on my macros, and what I needed to put INTO my body, rather than on what I needed to KEEP OUT of my body, I was able to keep my nutrition on track. While I wasn’t totally on track with my workouts toward the end of the challenge, for the first time in my life I was able to live through a stressful/hectic situation and not default to emotional eating/putting garbage in my body. I never had the feeling of being out of control.
I have shared CSE with my mom, my sister, and other members of my family because it has changed my life so drastically. It’s not a diet. It’s sustainable, delicious, and has truly changed my life forever!
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